I have definately decided that people are selfish. I can tell by the facebook posts and the ALL CAPS and the repetitive, annoying (alright already!!) amount of posts I get about politics. It afirms in me the desire to be no part of it. I mean, I vote, and I care, but ranting and raving about how I feel is nobody's business. It's interesting though because I see everyones bias. Everyones, opinion of where they see the world going.
My world is simple I guess. However, I am kinda glad that I never had kids because I don't envy the next generation. I can understand how children can play a part in how we vote. I think about my nieces and nephews and pray they will be successful. It seems success and money are imparitive, now and in the future. Plus, at this rate, they may be supporting me one day. See what I mean....people are selfish, including me.
I can definately tell that the people who are republicans have enough money. The people who are democrats don't have enough.....for the most part on my FB page. This is just a generalization. Nonetheless, a comment on my world as I see it. People need help. Seems like.
Again, this is a political comment from the MOST unpolitical person, but this seems more like a human issue to me.
Just my two cents.