I am teaching again. Titan Theatre Guild from NDHS is doing "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown". This is my fourth and most challenging year taking part in their yearly musical. We are approaching what we call "MAGIC WEEK" at Notre Dame. This means we move into the performance space and everything suddenly becomes very real for some kids. Yet for some reason it magically comes together. I love this analogy because it's so true. Even in professional theatre there is a "Magic Week" of sorts.
I think this year is more challenging because we double cast and because our roles aren't cast gender specific. So I have a girl playing Charlie in one cast. Both of my Snoopys' are girls and I have one girl Linus and one girl Shroeder. Got that? It has come down to me teaching girls how to transpose their part. It's not as easy as it sounds. It has also resulted in me giving a speech about character acting and referring to The Muppets a lot. Anyone who knows this show knows it could be performed by any age performer as long as they had the character down. Don't you think? Is it just me, or would you like to see Charlie Brown performed by senior citizens. I would pay to see that.
On a different note; I am working at Center Stage Dinner Theatre and I love it. Serving food and setting up and this weekend; helping with quick changes. I like my "role" as a server. It's kinda perfect for me.
P.S. This was my life tonight. Can you guess the show?