"The value of identity of course is that so often with it comes purpose"
Who am I? Age old question. So many ways to go with this. The only answer to this question that ever gives me any peace is; I am a child of God.
I have a lot of labels. Some of them I like, some of them...not so much. The ones I hate the most are usually the ones that I gave myself. Some aren't worth mentioning. I have to think of my identity as someone who is good, and I am good. Knowing that God wants me to do good in the world gives me purpose. Knowing that my plans are not His plans is a pain in the butt. Why? You may ask? Because I'm a rebel. It's weird but I'm a quiet, contemplative, extremely observent rebel. I don't know how I got so hard-headed (as my mom would say). Purging this information is my way of transforming. It's my way of not being ruled by fear. I heard someone say once that we always think that we are tempted to do evil. But how many times have we been tempted to do good... and then we don't do it? Hmm? This is me, doing something good. Providing myself with yet, another label; Blogger
The question of identity is something that I struggle with. I have a real problem with labels. I don't believe in them. They are put there primarily by people who don't really know you and they are, almost always, wrong. Wrong assumptions can damage self esteem. It brings to mind my favorite musical, "Wicked". Each of the characters in Wicked has a label. They are called "good", or "wonderful", or "wicked", just to name a few. Though each of these characters do make a transition, they are unable to change until thier true identity is revealed. We stifle ourselves with labels. We waste a lot of time. Which label have you held onto the longest? Is it a good one? Or a bad one?
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