Tuesday, September 6, 2011


"There are no small parts, only small actors. " Stanislaviski
To some actors, being in the "ensemble" is not good enough. They want the lead parts only. In my opinion, those kind of actors maybe need to examine the real reason they want it so bad. But that's a different topic. What I'm trying to say is, being in the ensemble rocks! Especially when you know everyone is invested and creative and energetic. It's the best. The cool thing about it is that you can create your own character, almost completely out of your head. Make up your own story. Or even a different story every night. It's so fun.

  When you are called to be a performer, it's your joy to be on the stage. It should be when you feel most alive. It shouldn't matter how big your part is. Your part is as big as you make it.

  Needless to say, I'm having a blast at rehearsals for OKLAHOMA!! YEOW!!
I love the whole cast so much and the director, choreographer and musical director are really fantastic. This is a classic and our director is trying really hard not to make it cheesy, (which it can tend to be) and more realistic.  It is gonna be great I think. :-)